Finally Accepted Papers


Finally accepted papers (papers with favorable reviews of the reviewers, presented at TELFOR 2011 by authors/co-authors) will not be accessible at TELFOR 2011 site. Upon closing of the TELFOR accepted and presented papers will be included in the IEEE Xplore Digital Library ( Papers will be sent to IEEE Xplore before the end of December 2011 and will be probably published during the first quarter of 2012.

Let us mention that TELFOR participation was free of charge and that all registered participants also obtained TELFOR 2011 CD Proceedings of the accepted papers free of charge. There is an idea that publisher could sell the reprints of TELFOR 2011 CD Proceedings, but there is no final decision about that.

Finally Accepted Papers Special Sessions

Regular Sections

Student Section

New scientific publication
TELFOR Journal


Poster 2011
